Learn more about the Finnish Work Environment Fund
We fund working life research and development
In addition to research projects, we also fund development projects initiated by workplaces and the dissemination of research findings. We award grants to promote the production of new research on working life and working conditions and to support the qualification of researchers and the education of new generations of researchers. We also fund the operations of the Centre for Occupational Safety.
The Finnish Work Environment Fund is managed by central labour and employer organisations, and we get our funding from statutory occupational accident and occupational disease insurance premiums. Our operations are supervised by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
Our mission
Our operations began in 1979. Our mission is to promote occupational safety, occupational health, workplace relations and productivity at Finnish workplaces.
By funding various working life projects, the Finnish Work Environment Fund offers workplaces the opportunity to take advantage of new research findings that can be applied at the workplace. One of the key goals of the projects we fund is to find new and innovative perspectives even in familiar areas of working life. It is also important that workplaces can quickly take advantage of the findings of the projects.
Who can apply for funding?
Private and public organisations can apply for funding. The organisation must pay statutory occupational accident and occupational disease insurance premiums and have an obligation to keep books.
Grants can only be applied for by private individuals to cover the net loss of income as well as the travel and accommodation expenses and participation fees from research visits and participation in conferences.
Please note, that the grant applications must be written in Finnish or Swedish. We will not process applications written in any other language.